Kick Your Soda Pop Addictions With the Help of a Seltzer Maker

Seltzer has the bubbles and flavors that people love about soda but has absolutely none of the added sugar or artificial junk. Seltzer is basically just carbonated water and natural fruit flavor. Home seltzer makers enable you and your family to create seltzer in whatever flavor you love right in your kitchen.

Seltzer is Easy & Fun To Make!

The Soda Stream Soda Maker Kit is one of the best appliances you can own if you are trying to get you and your family off of drinking soda. It's as easy as adding water and whatever flavors you like into this machine. Personally my favorite seltzer flavor to make is lemon & lime. You can get your kids interested in making there own beverages too! Let them be the chefs and they may never ask you for another soda again.

A seltzer maker makes it easy to satisfy your cravings for sodas. Just add some tap water and your favorite flavors into the machine and it can make you that bubbly beverage that you were craving. It tastes great and has none of the added sugar or sweetener. You can loose weight and became a healthier person by switching to seltzer water!!

Did You Know That Diet Soda May Be Worse For You Than its Sugary Counterpart?

This is mainly because diet sodas have artificial sweeteners in them such as aspartame. You may be more familiar with this sweetener by the popular brand names such as NutraSweet, Equal, and Spoonful.

Aspartame has been linked to serious health problems like brain tumors and brain cancer. Even though most regular sodas don't use artificial sweeteners opting instead for regular sugar these are in no way healthy either.

Drinking the high amount of sugar found in regular soda can lead health problems of its own such as obesity and diabetes.

Sodas that are high caffeine and sugar are not healthy for anyone to drink especially children. The caffeine in soda can actually dehydrate you and the more caffeine you drink the more addicted to it your body will become.

This is a bad cycle to get into because the more caffeine you drink the more caffeine you will need. This addiction is not something that is easy to fix and by drinking soda kids can become addicted to sugar which can put them on the fast track to obesity.

Did You Know That Thirst is Often Mistaken as Hunger?

A lot of the time people may think that they are hungry but what they really need is more liquids. This causes them to overeat which can lead to obesity. If you find yourself craving sweets it could mean that you are dehydrated so you can get rid of that sweet tooth with plenty of water. The next time you sit down to eat try drinking 8oz - 10oz of water first it will help you feel full and you will have less of a tendency to overeat.

Water Lubricates Everything in Your Body Which Makes You Feel and Work Better

Drinking plenty of water can help with health problems like diabetes, migraines, arthritis and joint and muscle fatigue. Organs like your brain, kidneys, eyes, heart and lungs all need water in order to function well. Not to mention drinking water is a great way to suppress your appetite and prevent you from overeating.

The human body absolutely needs water in fact 72% of the muscles in our bodies are made up of water along with 20% of our bones. Bones need water in order to lubricate all of the joints in your body. It is because of this by just drinking water you can help such things as joint and muscle fatigue even arthritis.

Water helps your liver process how much bile and insulin is being passed through your body and because of this it is very important for people with diabetes to consume enough water. It also helps move all of those important nutrients move through your blood stream.

Did you know that some schools are asking parents to pack bottles of water along with their kid's lunches? Your brain holds about one liter of water and will not function correctly if it doesn't have enough to lubricate it. In order for kids to be taught to the best of their abilities thc seltzer and get the most out of their education they need water.

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